Images taken during the Brewday 2011 world event that lasts from March 11, 2011 to March 22, 2011. Some of these images are out of focus due to being under the influence hehe. Some of the quests require it at times. This event is EverQuest's celebration of St. Patrick's Day.
Beers for Brell - Mintee Handing into Avatar of Below
Ale Goggles - Mintee and Dala Plateheart
Beers for Brell - Mintee and Tumpy Irontoe Twins
Beers for Brell - Mintee Runs Naked in Butcher Block
Beers for Brell! - Mintee Speaks to Tumpy Irontoe
Beers for Brell - Mintee Tips Charvis Drunkhoof Over
Snoogle's Presentation - Mintee Sees a Pink Elephant
Thurgadin Ice Brew - Mintee Fighting a Mad Monkey
Ale Goggles - Mintee and Tarcha Niba'dn
Ale Goggles - Mintee and Smurg Fleshreaper
Snoogle's Presentation - Mintee Sees a Flying Pig
Ale Goggles - Mintee and Gurag Bloodwart
Thurgadin Ice Brew - Mintee Fighting a stinky dankfur gnoll
Thurgadin Ice Brew - Mintee Fighting Tetda Rockstein
Thurgadin Ice Brew - Mintee Returns to Oldar Foambeard