Gallery » EverQuest II » Holiday and Live Events » Chronoportals

The Chronoportals was a special event to commemorate EverQuest's 12th year anniversary. It included several portals to special zones to do battle with the EverQuest's infamous foes.

Books from Chronoportals' MerchantBooks from Chronoportals' Merchant
Plains of Karana - an angry magicianPlains of Karana - an angry magician
Earning Time Traveler AchievementEarning Time Traveler Achievement
Southern Desert of Ro - Fighting Ancient CyclopsSouthern Desert of Ro - Fighting Ancient Cyclops
Southern Desert of Ro - Fighting TerrorantulaSouthern Desert of Ro - Fighting Terrorantula
Ocean of Tears - Fighting AllizewsaurOcean of Tears - Fighting Allizewsaur
Ocean of Tears - Fighting Aqua Goblin SacrificeOcean of Tears - Fighting Aqua Goblin Sacrifice
Nagafen's Lair - Fight's OverNagafen's Lair - Fight's Over
Steamfont - Fighting Minotaur HeroSteamfont - Fighting Minotaur Hero
Qeynos Ruins - Fighting PyzjnQeynos Ruins - Fighting Pyzjn
Qeynos Ruins - Holly WindstalkerQeynos Ruins - Holly Windstalker
Plains of Karana - Fighting QuillmanePlains of Karana - Fighting Quillmane
Plains of Karana - The Ishva MalPlains of Karana - The Ishva Mal
Qeynos Hills - Ending Fight with Fippy DarkpawQeynos Hills - Ending Fight with Fippy Darkpaw
Qeynos Hills - Starting Fight with Fippy DarkpawQeynos Hills - Starting Fight with Fippy Darkpaw