Gallery » EverQuest II » Mounts

My mounts and their stats. I probably should have taken all these in the same zone under the same lighting conditions to show a better contrast between the different colors and textures of the mounts. Oh well LOL.

August 21, 2014: I feel I should break this album into different types of mounts but not sure how to organize them exactly yet.

June 25, 2011: It seems they raised the speeds of just about every ground mount. Most are now at a 130% run speed.

Skyfire PhoenixSkyfire Phoenix
Twelfth Anniversary Celebration MountTwelfth Anniversary Celebration Mount
Bulkjolter Jump-PackBulkjolter Jump-Pack
Myron's Whirlblade GearskifMyron's Whirlblade Gearskif
Sunbrite Clothwork PegasusSunbrite Clothwork Pegasus
Magiccask Jump-PackMagiccask Jump-Pack
Archimedas SilentflyerArchimedas Silentflyer
Scytalis, of the Ever DeepScytalis, of the Ever Deep
Indomitable PteranodonIndomitable Pteranodon
Sokokar WindriderSokokar Windrider
Trohdahn, the VictoriousTrohdahn, the Victorious
Spellweaver's Red Flying CarpetSpellweaver's Red Flying Carpet
Elemental Disc of AirElemental Disc of Air
Quacken Mount VideoQuacken Mount Video