Gallery » EverQuest II » Mounts

My mounts and their stats. I probably should have taken all these in the same zone under the same lighting conditions to show a better contrast between the different colors and textures of the mounts. Oh well LOL.

August 21, 2014: I feel I should break this album into different types of mounts but not sure how to organize them exactly yet.

June 25, 2011: It seems they raised the speeds of just about every ground mount. Most are now at a 130% run speed.

Sokokar AirstriderSokokar Airstrider
Plaguespirit UnicornPlaguespirit Unicorn
Gloomspirit UnicornGloomspirit Unicorn
Disc of Harnessed LightDisc of Harnessed Light
Dark Canvas Oscillating KajiggersDark Canvas Oscillating Kajiggers
Pine Canvas Oscillating KajiggersPine Canvas Oscillating Kajiggers
Gray C.R.A.S.H. PadGray C.R.A.S.H. Pad
Red C.R.A.S.H. PadRed C.R.A.S.H. Pad
Green C.R.A.S.H. PadGreen C.R.A.S.H. Pad
Myron's Mechanized GearskifMyron's Mechanized Gearskif
Emerald Canvas Oscillating KajiggersEmerald Canvas Oscillating Kajiggers
Tan Canvas Oscillating KajiggersTan Canvas Oscillating Kajiggers
Myron's Retrofitted GearskifMyron's Retrofitted Gearskif
Red Canvas Oscillating KajiggersRed Canvas Oscillating Kajiggers
Blood Roan StallionBlood Roan Stallion