Snapshots of me or my alts fighting named mobs that are not part of a special event such as Frostfell.
Dannyca vs Ironshell
Dannyca vs Rear Commander Grokk
Dannyca vs Evigis the Ancient
Dannyca vs Mastermind Mon'Tagor
Dannyca vs Twiggle the Defiled
Mysstie vs Helvenn the Blighted
Mysstie vs Grand Shaman Ollurn
Mysstie vs Echolis
Mysstie vs Venomwing
Mysstie vs Ghost of the Tundra
Mysstie vs a great icemaw
Mysstie vs Shardtooth the Old
Mysstie vs Incael
Mintee vs Hatar
Mintee vs an Albino Prowler